12 Things


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1. After hearing about it from so many people, I finally ordered prints from Artifact Uprising a few weeks ago. I got 25 square prints and I love them!

2. There are 17 days left until Stranger Things season 2 comes out. If you haven’t watched the first season yet, you’re missing out big time. Highly recommend!!

3. I saw the word “midterms” today for the first time this semester and it got me a bit shook. How and why.

4. It’s the second week in October and the temperature has gone under 70 degrees a handful of times.

5. I found out that I got my first camera exactly four years ago thanks to Google photos. Photography is such a huge part of my life now and I think it will always be.

6. The Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack has been the actual soundtrack to my life for the past week. Can’t seem to listen to anything else and I’m not mad about it.

7. Okay, if you have an iPhone you need to try the Bedtime alarm. Instead of jolting awake and becoming angry, I now slowly wake up to the “Early Riser” sound. It makes for a much more relaxing wake up situation.

8. I’m on the look out for a new moisturizer. The one I’ve been using just makes my face a bit sticky and not moisturized, which is it’s one job. If you have any suggestions let me know!

9. For the past few nights I’ve been waking up at 2:00 am and I don’t know why. It just keeps happening. I’m confused too.

10. I keep forgetting things. I’ve lost so many things in the past few months that I can’t even remember what they are. One thing I do remember is my favorite pair of jean shorts. They’ve been missing since June and now they’re considered gone. Rip.

11. Two nights ago my parents found out about the “memories” feature in the iPhone photos app. When enabled, the photos app makes slideshows from your photos and videos. If your parents have iPhones, tell them about it and I guarantee they will be very happy.

12. I’m not sponsored by Apple.

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